Rental rates
Rental fee includes Audio Engineer (if applicable), Facilities Tech, and Facilities Liaison up to 5 hrs. After 5 hrs.–please see hourly rates below.
Sanctuary w/ Social Hall
- $730 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Sanctuary w/o Social Hall
- $600 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Chapel w/ Social Hall
- $490 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Chapel w/o Social Hall
- $360 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Social Hall (includes Kitchen)
- $300 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Assembly Hall
- $140 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
- $140 Hourly
- Cleaning/Security Deposit (Refundable) $200
Technical Personnel Hourly Rates
- Audio Engineer (A1) $75
- Video Engineer (V1) & Production Manager $75
- Audio Assistant (A2) $45
- Camera Operator (Cam Op) $45
- Technical Director (TD) – Video Switcher $75
- Lighting Designer (LD) and Projectionist (V2) – CG $45
- Livestream Operator $75
- AV Technician $45
NOTE: Hourly rates are based on the onsite times which include set up and tear down/reset; not just the event time.
For instance, if an event is scheduled from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (2 hours), set up might begin at 4:00 PM, and tear down/reset might take one hour – which would total 5 hours.